July 3, 2008

One week

Seeing as it's been a week since my last update, it's obvious that I'm gonna start posting more sporadically from now on. Alright, here's what went down since last Wednesday.

Thursday- I forget what happened, but at night we had practice and e'erbody got tipsy.

Sorry for the crappy quality but this was drawn on a pizza box and all I had was my camera phone

Friday- Work, then watched Wall-E with Chris, Gabo, & Eric. One of the best animations I've seen, ever.

Saturday- Chris & I woke at about 8am and left to Wizard World (the comic convention). Same old stuff like every year, except I bought a handful of reasonably priced sketchbooks. Afterwards we drove about 3 hours past Dekalb to some small town, I think it's called Dickson, and met up with Jenni & co. for her birthday camping weekend.

Sunday- Woke up at 7:30am to pack up and leave since we were asked to vacate the premises after breaking the no alcohol rule. We ended up going to some random park and cooking out there. By the time we finished eating it was only barely noon. We fought a Bob l'eponge piƱata, then everyone got sleepy. Drove back to Jenni's house, cooked up some food and camped out in her backyard.

Monday- Jenni's birthday...we didn't do much. Cleaned up the mess outside, drove around a lot, bought her some bike supplies, we had dinner with her family...I think that's it.

Tuesday- Jenni has summer school classes at 8:30am almost every weekday, so I often wake up at 8 and start my day. Even though I had a full day ahead of me, I felt like I didn't have enough free time. Random chores all day.

Wednesday- Same deal, got up early and did stuff around the house all day, then had to work, met up with Jenni at my house at 10pm and drove to Chris's. We watched Minority Report, which is still awesome, and some of Pans Labyrinth with Chris, Eric, & Cassie til about 3am.

Thursday- Is today. I'll be doing homework all day and then having band practice at night. I just found out that the short essays I have to write every week have to be 5 pages long. This class better be the last where I have to write essays. I've been doing them for too long in my life.

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