October 27, 2008

Life Drawing - October '08

Went to Dr. Sketchy again with my pal Erik. Coincidentally it happened to be global sketchcrawl day (meet with other artists in your city & draw everything around as you travel around), but I couldn't find any information on any meet up in Chicago, which is pretty lame. It was a good time though. Click the images to enlarge.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure you've already heard of him if not studied his stuff extensively but just in case have you ever seen the animations by Dan Hertzfeldt?

Some girl just brought in a DVD of one of his short films called Everything Will Be Ok to my photo class. It's funny and beautiful.

See you around turkey day.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty cool.




Anonymous said...

i just said look for anything by the mercury program. but i really like marianas, nazca lines of peru, and you yourself are too serious. de hecho puedes escucharlas aqui
